In the Home page, you will be able to access reports containing information about your store.
These reports will help you stay on top of your store's performance, track order progress, product information, as well as other information you can use to fully understand your store's operations and needs.
Products not found
The first report is about products that were not found by a Shopper in any of your orders.
You will be able to see a list containing all the products' details. Some indicators worth to be mentioned are:
Product name: Click here to find out when this product was not found.
Orders: In which the product was included in the order and the number of units requested.
Found rate: This shows the percentage of products that were found in the order.
You can check this information per branch and period of time.
Found rate
This chart shows trends for:
Ordered products
Fulfillment rate: It compares the total amount of products found versus the products requested, including replacements.
You can filter this report by different time periods (day, week, month) as well as for a specific branch.
Popular products
This report gives you an overview of your product sales and allows you to check which are the most popular.
When you access this report, you will be able to see the number of orders and the total amount of your sales in a period of time. Then, you'll find the list of products:Name
Number of orders in which the product has been requested in relation to the percentage of total orders
Amount sold in relation to the percentage of total sales
Found is the percentage of times a product has been requested and found by a Shopper
Replaced is the percentage of times the product requested was replaced
You can filter this report by time period and branch.
Order report
This report allows you to check past orders. The chart shows the number of orders you have received in a period of time and its average ticket.
βHover over a bar to see the total number of orders and sales.
βHover over a circle to see the average ticket details.
You can filter this information by time period, city, and branch.
Heatmap report
This report shows the demand distribution.
You can check:Branch locations
Coverage area per branch
Individual order hotspots
On the map, you will see an icon for each of your branches.
Each branch icon will have its respective coverage area shown around it, that is to say, the zones where customers can see the store on Cornershop.
βThe coverage area is typically shown as a circumference around the branch. However, you may occasionally see them cut off when the branch is located in the limit of our coverage area.
Within the circumference, you will see the order heatmap which shows the distribution of orders. This heatmap considers information from the past 45 days.
Sales by category
This report shows sales grouped by category.
You'll find:
Category name
Total sales of the products grouped in these categories
You can also filter by
Time period: Day, week, or month
Product sales
Here you will find the report corresponding to your sales per product.
You'll be able to check:Product brand
Product name
Orders: Number of orders the product has been requested
Users: How many users have requested the product
Quantity: Number of units requested per product
Sales: Total product sales amount
You can select:
The month you want to check
Products searched
This report provides information about products searched in your store.
You'll find information about:Keywords found
Number of times a word was searched
Branch assigned to the customer who made the search
When was the last time the search was made
You can choose:
The branch you want to check
If you want to include all information searched or only searches with no results
Dates included in the search
We hope this information can help you better understand the needs of your store!
If you have any questions, chat with us π