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Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find resources for marketing campaigns?
When will Shoppers come to my store?
Can customers order a product that is not in my TrakiTrak Products?
When your store has a system outageIf in the event of an emergency your store's system goes down, we need you to review the following information.
Enable and disable branchesKeeping your store hours up-to-date helps potential customers to order without any inconvenience
What is the order's heatmap?
Why is my store showing as closed?Learn more about why your store may be showing as closed in the app.
How can I identify a Shopper?
How do returns and refunds work?
What is a post-sale order?
Do we work on holidays?
Cancelled orders
What does OOS (Out of stock) mean?
What does the found-rate mean?
Tiered Commission System for storesFind all the information necessary to understand how commissions are charged for each order placed in your store.
Maximize Your Store's Visibility with Exclusive Promotions on Our App!
Why Promote with TrakiTrak
Changes and Returns